INTRODUCTION: Throughout the next two weeks, Time With God will be exploring who we are in Christ. Our prayer is that you will grow in confidence and hope as we unpack biblical truth about who God has made us to be. Please note that there will be no Digging Deeper section
We often ask the question, “Why am I here?” Chapter 12 in Paul’s first letter to the Corinthians provides one answer to this age-old question. Through this passage we discover that, as Christians, we are called to contribute to the body of Christ—the Church. This is an intimidating, somewhat overwhelming idea at times. But God, the Maker of the Universe who knows you intimately, has a plan for you, and he has equipped you with the ability to do incredible things.
- What can you contribute to the Church?
27 Now you are the body of Christ and individually members of it.
English Standard Version, copyright 2001 by Crossway Bibles. Used by permission. All rights reserved.
I grew up playing football. Back then, I was slower than molasses and didn’t have an angry streak in me—I wasn’t really a tough guy. I couldn’t hack it as a wide receiver, or a linebacker, or a quarterback. I finally found my place and spent my high school years at Offensive Left Tackle, protecting my Quarterback from getting steamrolled from behind.
Offensive line isn’t glorious. I never scored a touchdown. Never got a sack or an interception. What I did do was get the crud beaten out of me by some guy on the other side of the line until the whistle blew, then picked myself up, and did it again. I would give it my all, knowing I did everything the coach asked me to do, and then I would celebrate with my team when we succeeded, or accept correction when we didn’t. It was my place on the team. And I loved it.
To encourage us during the tough blocking drills, my coach used to say, “You does it, ‘cause you loves it.” While grammatically incorrect, it proved the point. I loved my team. And while I never heard my name over the loudspeaker for an incredible play, I was vital to the success of the team.
As Christians, we experience this. We have a purpose. We make up the body of Christ—the Church! God has gifted you with individual characteristics that equip you for your place on his team. God sees value in you and has been preparing you for your place in the body, your role in the Church. He’s sent the Holy Spirit to help and empower you to do his will. What does he require of you? That you be humble, open, and willing to play your part.
- God, thank you for inviting me be part of your team. Thank you for using my strengths for your Kingdom. Heal my weaknesses and help me overcome the sin areas in my life. Direct me, Lord. Amen.